4 Post-doctoral position available within the SUPPORT project  (funded by EDCTP3):  action ‘Supporting the next generation of African researchers on preventing HIV pediatric mortality through a training network'

Deadline to apply: 4 October 2024

Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

MTC1 - Read more

Universidade Eduardo Mondlane


MTC5 - Read more 

 Makarere University


MTC2 - Read more

 University of Zambia


MTC3 - Read more

CROI 2024 conference abstract ebook

The Abstract eBook presented at the 2024 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections is now publicly available here https://www.croiconference.org/croi-2024-resources/

LMIC Mentoring Scheme - Now re-opened for Mentees and Mentors

The pilot of our new LMIC Mentoring Scheme has begun. The aim of the scheme is to link those working on clinical trials and studies in different organisations in LMIC (Low-and Middle-Income Countries) for online mentoring. The mentoring could be ...READ MORE

4 Essential Reading Lists now available

The Essential Reading Lists are a compilation of resources taken from the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL Capacity Strengthening Hub Resources page. These resources have been collated into lists that we think will be useful for people working in ...READ MORE