The resources shared on the Hub have been created by the MRC CTU at UCL and partners, some are for particular trials and studies and others are more generic. They may be useful for those conducting clinical trials and studies in different countries, and could be used as a template to adapt for other contexts. Country-specific regulations, and the needs, resources, expertise and local knowledge in the setting, will be important to take into account.

You will find resources on the design, conduct, analysis, and knowledge transfer and exchange for randomised controlled trials, observational studies, and meta-analyses. We will do our best to ensure documents on this Hub are kept up to date. If you use any slides or training materials, please acknowledge the authors. 

How to access the resources

There are different ways to access the resources:

  • Use the 3 filters below
  • Use the Explore all Resources button to find a list of all resources on the Hub
  • Click on Explore all Resources button and then use the search facility
  • Click on an individual category (below)

If you see a ‘Related’ button next to a resource, this will pull up all resources on a similar subject.